Horizons Magazine, the publication of The Institute for Outdoor Learning in the UK, invited EduChange President Catherine Saldutti to write about some of the strategies we use at EduChange to ensure our organization is ready for changing social and economic environments. Resonant with The Universal Design for Learning (UDL), spectrum thinking invites learning leaders of all stripes to “consider a range of times, places and purposes that enable us to learn more about, and better serve, our program participants,” Catherine writes. Resilience happens by design, not luck.
Download the article here and visit The Institute for Outdoor Learning website here.
“Spectrum thinking works best when we consider a certain participant profile with the goal of building an experience for that individual or small group. It may seem strange to examine such a small segment. Not only does this approach keep the team focused, it allows for deeper consideration of the barriers, needs, and goals that encourage or prevent given participants from enjoying your offerings. When we consider several spectra simultaneously, we can use them as a sound engineer might, setting the dials to create the kind of resonance desired when all elements work in concert.”
Both Integrated Science and Concept Construxions were designed with a spectrum of teachers, learners, school settings, cultures and economic contexts in mind. Probably why we are celebrating our 21st anniversary in February 2021!