2-Yr, 3-yr AND 4-yr progressions
For over two decades we have built 3 coherent, spiraled learning progressions that meet siloed course graduation requirements in the same amount of time. We’ve carefully designed each progression with transitions from traditional programs in mind! We do not recommend starting any progression earlier than Grade 8, for developmental reasons.
View our screencast entitled School Eligibility and Programmatic Fit for guidance. We have extensive NGSS tracking & alignment, and prepare students to enter IB/DP or AP if desired.
Project-Based Learning and Integrated Science share nearly all of the same learning premises. It is possible to incorporate projects along these progressions. If you run Community Service or STEAM programs in parallel to core subjects, our program gives students amazing ideas, and they build the competencies to lead their own projects!
3-Year or 4-Year Implementation of Integrated Science
This progression includes all 5 Strands spanning both levels, and meets the equivalence of these lab-based courses: Biology I, Chemistry I, Conceptual Physics, and Environmental Science. This progression is best started in 8th grade, 9th grade or 10th grade. Students who begin in 8th grade can register the 10th grade course as AP Environmental Science, and are well-prepared for IB/DP in 11th grade. A 9th grade start prepares students for 11th grade AP Environmental Science and other 12th grade AP science classes. The 4th year provides an option for students not pursuing IB/DP, AP, or other exam-based science courses AND/OR who wish to pursue independent STEAM projects and publish their work.
2-Year Implementation of Integrated Science
The Level I Implementation of Integrated Science includes all 5 Strands in Level I and meets the course equivalence of Biology I, with the added benefit of substantial Chemistry, Conceptual Physics and Environmental Science content---all integrated to make authentic STEM stories whole. This 2-year progression is best started in 8th grade, 9th grade or 10th grade.
Accelerated Implementation of Integrated Science
This more limited and fast-paced implementation includes 4 Strands spanning both levels and is completed in 2 years. This progression is useful when trying to replace a traditional Biology I – Chemistry I sequence from 9th-10th grade or 10th-11th grade. Conceptual Physics is not emphasized in this model. This progression is best suited to 9th grade and up.