program features

Our comprehensive designs provide you with everything you need to implement successfully.

Sustainable OER

2000+ pages of teacher & student content—all digital, all modifiable, all updated regularly. No additional textbooks required.

Competency-based Assessment

64+ competencies practiced across multiple contexts & years. All performance tasks, no bubble sheets. May be translated to grades if needed.

Hands-on Laboratory Work

Real lab work & engineering design using standard school equipment. Probeware & gadgets may be used. Complete supply lists provided.

Students personalize their "textbook"

Students use our anchor text as a launch pad for their own ideas, drawings & reflections. Students gradually write and render more of their text, creating a truly personal account of their STEM learning.

Click for a before-and-after view

Disciplinary literacy in STEM is key to achieving equity, and poses the greatest barrier to entering a STEM university major or post-secondary employment. Our students practice daily to reverse this problem.

Click here for a recent article.

We provide natural language narrations via SoundCloud so students can hear appropriate inflection & pronunciation.

Click here to learn how student artists and designers contribute their work for all to enjoy.

Direct-to-Student Training: Inclusive Tech Tools

Ongoing Teacher PD

Orientation workshop with students. Virtual coaching as the program establishes. Leaders get support, too.

Parent & Counselor Materials

Parent orientation session & intro materials. Ongoing updates. Materials for transcripts, course alignments & graduation requirements.

Custom Pacing Guides & Standards Trackers

We have classroom-tested everything. We know how long things take. We customize to your school schedule format (blocks, periods, cycles, etc.).

Your Platform,
Your Workflow

Schools don’t need more platforms, they need course content and apps to work with the platform they have. We identified that need years ago, and deliver our content any way you’d like. We work with ministries and network partners in similar fashion. Think of us as another seamless integration. We help schools transition to more robust learning models without technical nightmares.

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Open Architecture embraces diverse learners

One of the problems with current secondary & tertiary curricular structures, including projects, is that they’re a one-and-done package whose concepts and skills may not be revisited enough to achieve understanding, if they are revisited at all. We broke open confining structures to liberate learners from these system traps.

Designs that resist obsolescence &
Embrace uncertainty

At present, schools function in a very linear economy, albeit a slow-moving one. The circular economy asks producers and consumers to be more thoughtful about resource use. Schools have limited time, money and personnel. Instead of churning through programs and textbooks & retraining staff with every new set of regulations, we need to build designs that rethink, reuse, repair and refurbish. The Information Age requires that educators manage content effectively. We’re pioneering the circular economy in education.

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Real-World Contexts, Not Textbook Chapters
