School closures have disrupted teachers and students around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic is unsettling for everyone, but particularly so for those tasked with dealing with it directly, like health care workers, grocers, and teachers. EduChange stepped up in early March to offer more than 85 synchronous webinars with over 250 teachers who were transitioning to various online teaching & learning models. We adapted the following data science mini-projects for this new reality, and shared them with teachers free of charge through April 30, 2020:

  • Sunscreen Data & Consumer Power
  • Climate Change in 3 Phases (Solid, Liquid & Gas)
  • Visualizing the Global Cancer Burden with the Cancer Today Database
  • Microbiome Citizen Science: Bellybutton Biodiversity

Miss the webinars? No worries! If your school is interested in gaining this free support now or over the 2020 summer, please contact us at and we’re happy to accommodate!