Academic honesty & Digital citizenship

One great reason to join a community like ours is to be able to launch your own learning from a rich base of high-quality work. We are thrilled to share our work with teachers and learners around the globe, and to provide users with digital flexibility in how they use these learning tools. 

We have pioneered Sustainable Open Education Resources (SOER) to:

  • offer completely modifiable materials to educators
  • invite students to write, render, annotate, and manage their digital texts as part of the learning experience
  • continually update and maintain the materials, to keep all educators and learners firmly ensconced in the Information Age!

Review ISTE's Digital Citizenship Standards

"Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical."

Instead of forcing schools to use proprietary platforms or PDFs (these are NOT OER), we trust our subscribers to follow the reasonable guidelines stated below. Subscribers can use the materials in Integrated Science (the “program”) on the following terms:

  • Subscribers can modify, respond to, reformat and otherwise utilize the materials in this program for educational purposes only. For example, you are not allowed to commercialize modified versions, also known as derivative works in both USA Copyright law and Creative Commons licenses;
  • Subscribers must include the footer of our original document in any new or modified document they create based on our work. This ensures that EduChange continues to receive attribution as the original creator of this work, which represents an investment of more than two decades of time, expertise, money and effort on the part of many dedicated individuals. Subscribers agree to give attribution if any modifications (also known as derivative works) are created;
  • Subscribers can share modified versions or other work product based on this program within your school community; teachers or students may post select work products on publicly-available or conference websites for the purposes of presentation or authentic academic sharing;
  • Subscribers cannot share any original or modified versions of entire portfolios, labs or multiple documents to individuals who are not members of your school.
  • Please ask any questions about sharing as they arise, via We are happy to assist your digital citizenship growth and learning!


Other educational organizations have raised awareness of the issue of academic honesty. The International Baccalaureate (IB) discusses the issue in light of their required student research projects and assessments. Rutgers University and The International Center for Academic Integrity provide resources online. Schools also use the L.A.R.K. framework, reminding members of their academic community to act in ways that are “legal, appropriate, responsible and kind.”

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how to educate your community about this important issue, do not hesitate to contact us at
